Meong Token
3 min readJul 3, 2021

$MEONG is now LIVE at PancakeSwap

$MEONG ❤ Pancake

The time is now.

Thank you to all family who join our private sale and trust us.

$MEONG is now LIVE at PancakeSwap.

MeongFamily can check our price , just >>click here<<

$MEONG Smart Contract is :


How to buy $MEONG at PancakeSwap ?

  1. Download and Open TrustWallet.
this is TrustWallet

2. Swap BNB to BSC (Smart Chain)

Make Sure you have BNB at your TrustWallet.

If you don’t have, you can transfer it from your other wallet first.

After that you will need to swap you BNB to BSC (Smart Chain)

First Click your BNB, then find the 3 dots below BNB, click the dot. Then click “Swap to Smart Chain” . Refer to picture below.

this is BNB at TrustWallet

3. Go to Dapps , scroll down to find PancakeSwap

At the bottom side of Trust Wallet, find DApps, refer to picture.

find DApps

At DApps, scroll down until you find Pancake Swap.

Click PancakeSwap

4. Connect your TrustWallet to PancakeSwap

Click connect at the very top of PancakeSwap, don’t forget to connect to your Smart Chain.

connect your wallet

5. Buy $MEONG with BSC (Smart Chain)

Now you can buy $MEONG by swapping your BNB through Smart Chain!

You can only buy 5 trillion $MEONG at once.

Slippage is 13–15%

Don’t forget to change the slippage


Don’t forget to turn on $MEONG on your Trust Wallet.

  1. Go to right top at TrustWallet home and click that icon
this one

2. Type MEONG and turn it on.

this one

There you go (:

Thank you for purchasing $MEONG.

Let’s HODL and see you on the top (:

Meong Token
Meong Token

Written by Meong Token

MeongToken — the next big meme token (exclusively run by the community)

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